Bethany Monticello, RN, BSN
[email protected]
732-297-2480 ext. 3503
A Message from the School Nurse...
It's cold outside!
Please send copies of documentation from doctor office visits to the health office so I can keep your child's health record up to date.
Please keep sick children home. Children can be sick, even if they had a negative Covid-19 test.
Please read the FAQ from our school district:
District FAQ
Please remember to complete the travel form, found in the District FAQ, if you are planning out of state travel.
It is important to remember to remember that fresh air and playing outdoors is good for our children. As the days get colder, please remember to send your child to school in layers, so that they can keep warm enough when they need, and shed layers when they are playing hard.
Just a few reminders:
Playing outdoors makes for thirsty children. With our water fountains closed at this time, it is very important to send water in with your student each day.
Thirsty students tend to be less able to focus on school work, get frequent headaches and stomach aches.
Wear a mask when you are outside of your house and not able to social distance.
Hands should be washed frequently, remembering to scrub for 20 seconds before rinsing.
Hand washing is the most effective tool to help stop the spread of viruses and other germs.
The next step is to remember not to touch your face, and if you do touch any part of your face, wash your hands!
These steps will help keep us safe and healthy.
BrainPop Virus Information Video
Forms for medications, physicals, and treatment plans can be accessed using the links on the left side of this page.
Medication forms, allergy action plans, seizure action plans, and asthma treatment plans need to be updated every year.
Please keep your contact information updated in Genesis so that I can reach you if it becomes necessary.
If you have any questions or concern regarding your child's health, please feel free to contact me. I will do my best to be of assistance.
Send my Child or Stay Home
Focus on Family Fitness
Ages and Stages: Kindergarten
Health Regulations
In accordance with State regulations, South Brunswick School District requires pupils new to the District, students entering Kindergarten, students trying out for athletic teams, students participating in Color Guard, marching band or dance and those applying for working papers to undergo a physical examination. Physical examinations are strongly recommended for students in grades 5 and 8. Examinations must be completed by a private physician. In the absence of a private physician, parents are encouraged to speak with the school nurse.
The school nurse can administer medication that is packaged in the original container and is accompanied by the District's Medication Form, which must be completed and signed by the child's doctor and parent or guardian. Forms can be obtained from the links on this page or by visiting the District's Web site.
In addition, each year the school nurse conducts the following screenings:
- Height and Weight - All Grades
- Blood Pressure - All Grades
- Vision - Grades K, 2, 4
- Hearing - Grades K-3
- Scoliosis - Grade 5
- Mantoux screening as per current State guidelines.
Immunizations are required for entry into school to comply with Chapter 14 of the New Jersey Sanitary Code. They include diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, rubella, mumps, polio, varicella and Hepatitis B vaccines.
Failure to provide a complete immunization record can result in the child's exclusion from school. The school nurse reviews all immunization records prior to a student's admission. Parents or guardians are encouraged to contact the school health office to speak about an individual child's immunization needs.
Immunization waivers are honored for health or religious reasons when proper written documentation is shared with the school nurse.